Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Playing Catch-up.

     Well, what can I say? I haven't written anything since March 21st. I suppose I have been busy, though I'm not quite sure with what. Anyhow...
     Haley is starting to crawl (finally!), and I have to confess, watching the learning process is somewhat funny. She is getting all over the house without actually going through the motions of defined crawling. She will go on hands and knees, then hands and feet, then roll around, then sit up.... oh it goes on and on. I was scouring the internet for any helpful websites for crawling and found this to be pretty helpful. There's also a video out there of early stage crawling, but unfotunately I can't find it (sorry, guys!).

     Doing the whole SAHM (that's Stay At Home Mom for anyone acronym(ly?) illiterate) thing has been ok lately. I know I was having some trouble adjusting there for a while. I am finding that once everyone settles into schedules, it's really not so bad. I actually held a Partylite party at my house last night, and even hosted Easter Sunday here this year! As it turns out, having the time to be home and care for your kid as well as your house, itsn't as daunting of a task and I have been making it out to be. Now, I am, by NO means, dismissing the work and stress and effort required of SAHMs, because I know that sometimes it just gets to be too much. All I am trying to say is, finally, after 8 months, I am settling into a routine.

     CONFESSION TIME: A little while ago, I find Haley in her crib after her nap, soaking wet. I really do hate going in there to a pee covered baby, but what can you do? So I change her and get her all dressed in her second cute outfit, pick her up and bring her in the living room to play, and realize by the time I get there, my arm and chest are soaking wet. Well, apparently in my own haste, I forgot to put a diaper on Haley. Yeah, that's right. So that was my fun time, I guess.

     Another thing I noticed: As Haley hit the 8 month mark, she sort of boycotted her sleep schedule, as well as one of her naps during the day. I am wondering if there are any other babies that did this around this age? She is no longer sleeping through the night (yeah, that lasted about 3 weeks) and now she will usually only take one nap a day, some days it's almost non-existant. I have to idea what's going on with this sleep thing, but I do have to say that it is messing with my schedule, and that I am finding it increasingly difficult to get anything done during the day.

     Well, I guess that's about it for now. Mobile baby means not too much time for the computer anymore (or anything else for that matter). Although we DID manage to finally put our mailbox up! Take that township plowers! Until next time folks....

     Happy momming!