Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, March 6, 2010


     Ok, Ok, so I haven't posted anything in a while. Well, I have half an excuse. My charger for my laptop died and left me stranded in my house (now, plus 1 dog) computerless. Well, while leaving the bagel place after breakfast the other day, Mike turns to me and says "let's go buy a computer.", and with that we were off to Best Buy. Like, that was all there was to it? Really? Ok, I guess. So, we get this nice desktop at a good price, come home, I set it up, and we were good to go. Well my mother in law (to be) has been visiting for a few days and the computer lives in my guest room now, so you can guess how that went. Other than that, I have been putzing around and not really sitting on here too much, therefore, not writing anything. This, I'm sure, will change of course, once my replacement laptop charger comes in the mail and my computer in the living room (where I park my big behind) is running again. So there.

     So, I have been begging Mike to let me join a gym. His side of the $150.00 fence is that he doesn't really think I'll use it. He's probably right, but I would never tell him that. Well in lieu of the gym membership, he bought me a stair stepper/core worker-outer (I don't really know what it's called), and the thing came with 2 and 3 pound weights. Well, I actually started using it, and this thing's great! Since I started using it, I can really see results. It seems like working out is, well working out, much better for me than dieting. I don't do well with portion control (I love me some food!).

     Also, since it actually went over 50 degrees today, I took my little one for a nice walk... which ended up to be 2.6 miles. Yeah, apparently, I'm a worse judge of distance than I realized. But, I do have to say that I felt great by the time I got home. I am certainly suggsting to anyone who is on a weight loss kick like me to get either a gym membership or some sort of exercise machine like I did. Check out Overstock, that's where we got mine. The thing itself was only $80.00 and their shipping is always $2.95, no matter what you order.

     Anyway, that's really all I have to say right now, I think the couch is calling my name. It about that time where I relax with my 8,000 HBO channels and whatever else I get from Comcast and maybe catch a few zzz's until Mike gets home from work (I always have been a fan of pre-bedtime naps). Until next time!