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Monday, February 8, 2010

Beat Moody Monday Blues.

Well everyone, it's Monday, and everyone knows what Mondays mean. Tired, cranky, and that overwhelming urge to punch your alarm clock (not so much for me since Haley is my alarm clock). Well I was thinking: there's got to be a way to beat these Monday Blues.

Since putting Haley down for a nap, I have been sitting on the couch (still listening to the Disney Channel), looking around at the mess in the house. I mean, come on, really? Not cool...

Well I am deciding to boost productivity around here (yay!) and clean this place up. So my tips for getting motivated on Moody Monday are:

- Set realistic goals.
-----Don't pretend you're going to clean the entire house, wash the dog, go food shopping, mow the lawn, and hang curtains all before lunch. You just won't. And that's okay. Setting the bar too high will only make you feel overwhelmed and deter you from getting anything done. My goal for the day: Clean up the kitchen after I finish relaxing and writing and before Haley wakes up.

- Structure your day around familiarities.
-----If you tell yourself you want something done by 4 pm, you're going to be stuck watching the clock all day. Now, no one is saying that deadlines aren't important, but if you use you daily activities for setting deadlines you might feel a little more comfortable and less stressed. Today's structure: Get kitchen cleaned before Haley wakes up from her nap. Though I know there is no way to tell exactly when she will wake up, I have a good idea when that will be...

- Be as open to failure as you are to success
-----Everyone is so quick to congratulate themselves for getting everything done, or doing a great job, or just whatever makes them feel proud. In order to fully understand success, you sort of just have to fail every once in a while. I would have to say that one of the hardest things to get used to when I first stayed home with Haley was realizing I wasn't Super Mom. No one is perfect. Don't beat yourself up over a little spilled milk (or formula for those under 12 months!), instead just accept it and continue with your day. By not committing Harri Kiri because you didn't get the cat's nails cut and you really wanted to, you are opening yourself up to the opportunity to try another day. A fear of failure is the best thing to fuel procrastination.

Well, hope that this helps someone sitting home reading blogs on the Internet instead of the normal, not-so-fun, Moody Monday rituals. I, like everyone, have some super fun mommy stuff to get done. Here's to good luck for everyone!
Happy Monday!