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Saturday, February 6, 2010

Blogging Frenzy

Well apparently, I am really getting into this blog posting business. After getting the lame-O intros out of the way (and that whole Shop Rite thing... it was really weighing in on me), I can finally start with the daily happenings of my humble abode.
So we got hit pretty hard with this snow storm. As a matter of fact, it might still be snowing out there. I get up this morning to Mike, my boyfriend, telling me that we now have no mail box. Ugh... and no, it didn't snow over my mailbox, my mailbox got destroyed. (F!)
That was certainly a.. well say... "poopier" part of my day. On the brighter side, I met my neighbors across the street and they are wonderful people! That is a total plus. AND, all of the road around are pretty well plowed, albeit, we suffered a casualty (rip mailbox, you will be pissed).
In mommy news, Haley is having her first adventures with her sippy cup. It seems to be going well, though if anyone has any tips, they would be much appreciated. Also, I'm having a little trouble getting Haley to sleep through the night (and by 6 months, keeping my sanity). So here's to hoping some all encompassing reader has a little something to throw my way! (hint, hint)
Well, that's about all for now. My life runs is shifts, often referred to naps by those in the industry, and it seems as if my time has run out. Until next time, adieu!


Naomi Vida said...

I wish that neighbors gave each other jello molds when they moved like in the rugrats. just saying.