Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, February 8, 2010

An Ode to All Things Convenient

I feel it is incredibly important to tip my hat to all things that make my life a little bit easier:

*First off, a tip of my hat to you, Mr. Coffee. Without your wonderful brewing power, my household would never function. You give everyone the energy to face the day. You never comment on the fact that I come to you, desperate and discheveled, and you never refuse me service. As a matter of fact, you provide the pick-me-up I need to continue with my daily happenings.

*Secondly, I would like to mention my baby moniter. All mothers (and plenty of people who aren't mothers) know the importance of this handy little device. Inexpensive monetarily, you are priceless to me. Without you, I have to quietthe house when Haley takes a nap, and worry that she will wake up and I won't hear her. Your cordless capabilities let me roam my kingdom carefree. Awesome, and thanks, Safety 1st.

*I would also like to thank my dishwasher. As old as you are, you are a fiesty little machine. You power away all the dirty parts of my life, allowing me to sit with my feet up. You make me feel like royalty!

*Further, I would like to ask, where would I be without my Shiatsu Massage pillow?? In tons-of-pain-ville, that's where! Portable, yet dependible, you massage away my aches and pains (boy, do babies come with a lot of aches and pains...), and I never feel pressured to talk to you about my day. I don't have to pay for my massage everytime I want one, I never have to book an appointment, and I do not have to travel far to reap your rewards.

*And finally, and most importantly, a tip of my hat to all of my closest friends; near, far, old, and new. I know that I do not live close to many of you any more, some of you I never lived by, but I know that you are always a phone call away (or a wall post, or comment, or so on... thanks social networking!). Mike, my wonderful partner and friend, Dan, Naomi, Ryan, Nikki, Kristy, Jenna, Josh, Danielle, and Steve, just to mention a few... I can tell all of you anything (and I do!) without judgement, or fearing a break of the good ol' trust branch!

Once again, I felt it was important to list a few of the things (and people!) that make my day to day life a little easier. I encourage everyone to do the same. Appreciation is not assumed, it is shown; without it, bonds fade. Cheers to everyone I love and all of my wonderfully convenient modernizations!