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Sunday, February 21, 2010

On Mark Harmon and Keeping Busy.

     Well, I know I haven't written anything lately, but you'll have to excuse me, I've been a little busy lately. Responsibility, woman! Yeah, yeah, I know. But here's what's been going on:

     Tax return came back (hello car shopping!), and bills have to be paid. That's one day right there. I was feeling poopy. Yeah, and I know that's a lame excuse, but to be honest, I slept a lot. I can go on about some other stuff that not even I care about, or I can get to the real time-eater here: I got ENGAGED! Yep, I did. We went to Atlantic City (Always Turned On) for dinner, left with 600 dollars I won at the three card poker table and an engagement ring! It was a good night.

     Anyway, Now that that has been said (I'm expecting congratulations, by the way... yeah, I'm that kinda person), I'm moving onto my topic of the day: Mark Harmon. No, I'm not kidding.

     Who hasn't seen NCIS? I don't think there's anyone out there who hasn't. Whether you are young or old, a fan or not, you know who Mark Harmon is: Gibbs. Younger kids out there who know the show can respect Gibbs for who he is, but it's the older ladies and gent's out there (maybe more the ladies than the gent's) who can respect Mark Harmon for who he is.

     Perhaps it's just me, I'm only 21, but I don't really know Mark Harmon before he was Gibbs, so I set out on a mission; BOY was I surprised at what I found. Here's a few things I didn't know (thanks to IMDB):
* Sister Kristen Harmon (on Biggest Loser) is (now ex) wife of Ricky Nelson making
   Mark the uncle of Matthew and Gunner (of Nelson) and of actress Tracy Nelson.
* He worked as a carpenter before he "hit it big".
* He once risked his life saving two teenagers.
* Mark Harmon was named People Magazine's Sexiest Man alive in 1986.

     Now, I had to see this one for myself. Anyone who has seen NCIS and knows the character Gibbs, surely cannot imagine such things! I cannot imagine young Gibbs, so again, I set out on a mission, and again, I was blown away. Here's what I found:                   

     Right about now, you're either drooling, laughing, or gasping (or maybe all three). I just figured I would share some of the insight I gained all thanks to Google and IMDB. Click here for more info on Mark Harmon at the Internet Movie Database (imdb).

     Until next time folks, happy hunting and happy momming!