Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, February 11, 2010


     Thats right, people, it's Thursday! Time to celebrate! Why Thursday? Well because everyone celebrates Friday. Thursday, perhaps one of the most unrecognized days of the week, deserves just a little commemoration. For those of you out there thinking "What gives? TGIF... F... Friday!" Well yes, Friday does mark the beginning of the long awaited weekend, but Thursday offers that little light at the end of the tunnel. (One more day then we're off!)

     Realistically, Thursday is the last day to really get things done at work or at home. Nothing gets done on Friday. As a matter of fact, Friday ought to be renamed "water-coolerday", since the normal Friday workday consists of cleaning the week's coffee mugs,planning out the work-free weekend, and a TON of chit-chat. Sure, some last minute e-mails are hastely typed and sent, and some quick phone call are made (before 3:00pm, of course). But for the Stay at Home Mom, Fridays are usually pretty useless. Calls made to public buildings are never answered during nap-time, and office workers are usually too busy trying to make an early escape to really provide the help needed.

     So here's to Thursday! Get out your phone book, make your calls, feed your kids, and be thankful there's only one more day left of the week!

     Celebrate this Thursday with my a nice, deserved, glass of the Wine of the Week:
A bright and versatile wine with a savory side that’s always the life of the party. With floral scents and a crisp finish, this blend of Pinot Grigio and Pinot Bianco is a unique alternative to the usual white wine. (about $9.00 - $10.00)

     Happy Thursday everyone! Enjoy the weekend, enjoy Sunday (Valentine's Day), enojy life, and expecially enjoy with wine!