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Saturday, February 6, 2010

A Handshake and a Story.

Well, I believe a breif introduction may be in order. I know what you're thinking, two and a half pages about my second grade tap dance teacher and my issues with criticism. No, no. (I never took tap dancing, by the way.) I'll keep it short and sweet, I have a lot to say after this formality BS.
My name is Emilie. I have a daughter, Haley, who was born this past July. She is the love of my life as well as my obsession at times. I am a stay at home mom, and (sometimes) loving it. I will say, it takes a lot, A LOT, of adjusting to go from working everyday to staying home, working everyday! I have a great man in my life, which I suppose gives me one of those standard American dream lives. Wait no, I have a cat named Buster, and we're getting our dog named Chloe. Which means we have a house, a kid, a cat, and a dog. One white picket fence later, and we're in business!


John said...

well, nice to meet you. You clearly forgot to mention the amazing parents you have that made this all possible.