Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, February 6, 2010

The Shop Rite Massacre

Yesterday, a girlfriend of mine along with our daughters went out for a while to the Mall. Well, this is where the story starts. Haley lost her little chirping bird somewhere in the mall, unbenounced to me. So I go back, no bird... entire mall, no bird. F. Long story short, we head to Shop Rite to replace this bird and to replenish Haley's food supply.
We get to Shop Rite, and right off the bat some guy cuts it a wee bit too close to Haley and I with his car. I say to myself "it's ok, I'll wait, you go first, buddy". This guy must have watched my face or my reaction because after saying this (to myself) my new found friend stopped his car and, well, at that point I knew he didn't want to offer me coupons.
He actually rolled down the window and proceded to scream obscenities at me! IN FRONT OF THE KIDS AND EVERYTHING! I couldn't believe it! And this, my hopefully much more calm friends, makes Feb, 5, 2010 the day of the Great Massacre at Shop Rite. So to the D-bag who decided to make this all happen: thanks man, hope you got your anger out. Next time, don't be so loud, I don't want to explain to my kid (or my friend's kid) what an effing Bitch is, or why that man was so angry.
Another day in the life? I guess so...