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Friday, February 12, 2010

The Great Meatloaf Massacre

     Well, normally Mike has been working 3pm-12am shifts, which leaves me by myself for dinner (dinner, admittedly, has been left overs and Chinese food). Yesterday, however, he worked 6am- 3pm (bad for him, great for me). Because I was SO happy to have him home for dinner, I decided to make us a nice big home cooked meal consisting of meatloaf, mashed potatoes, gravy, and a nice salad. Go me.

     So, I'm mixing this meat concoction with the herbs and the eggs and the parmesan cheese and whatnot and by the time I'm done, I'm thinking to myself "Geez, this meatloaf seems a little wet... and I definitely thought I had more meat than this... Oh well." NOT. Let me tell you something, when things look a little askew, sit back and ask yourself... "wtf?", because I can guarantee there's a good chance you're right.

     All observations aside, I make my meatloaf and potatoes and gravy and the little happy salad and plop it (and myself) at the table and we begin our dinnertime festivities. Potatoes are, well, potatoes, and the gravy is... brown, but good, and the salad was to die for; the meatloaf was... well just okay. The whole time I'm (unsuccessfully) trying to figure out what's up with this loaf and then like a voice from God himself, I hear the following question from across the table:

"How much breadcrumb did you put in here? Because I think you should have added more."

     DAMN! I forgot the breadcrumbs! You're kidding, right? No. So for dinner last night, I made my love a giant hamburger (with a delicious parmesan crust... WASTE), some potatoes (with gravy) and a yummy salad. Good thing for the gravy, not that the meatloaf tasted bad, mind you, but it certainly added some much needed moisture to my baked, seasoned, parmesan crusted..... sigh... hamburger.
     Well, that was my story for the day (and everyone else's, because you KNOW I had to share). So I urge you to share with me your mean-time mess-ups (it will make me feel less stupid.), since we All have 'em. Get in touch with your inner spaz... go on ahead now... don't be shy!

     Until next time, folks!

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